hello all!!! please forgive me for not having posted anything in awhile, i've been a bit busy! this post however isn't really about cupcakes (again, forgive me!), but a photography contest going on in cincinnati through the the next few months. last year i submitted several shots, one of which landed on the capture cincinnati dvd! my goal this year is to actually get a shot into the book, and that's where ya'll come in! please go onto www.capturecincinnati.com and VOTEVOTEVOTE!!!! i have several shots up, and will continue to post things over the coming months! it would mean a great deal to me if you would go on to the site and vote! the shots below are some that are doing well at this point (as well as some of my personal favs!) to give you a taste of what i have submitted! thanks for everyone's help and i hope everyone is having a great summer!!